The fourth kind movie part

The fourth kind movie part 1

All I want is for Apple to release a new line to bring it up to date with what other notebook manufacturers are now offering. For your information I have been working with computers probably before you were born. I started working with computers in the early seventies. I made the honest mistake on the Macbook drive because I didnt realize that Apple had changed them since I bought my wifes ibook in 2003, only five years by the way not a decade ago. It didnt matter anyway because it was not the point of the argument. If you dont want to have the choice of a BTO blu-ray drive in the next MBP thats fine. I do want the choice as do many others. I have a large blu-ray collection, I live in an area with poor internet speeds. My nearest video rental store is 25 miles away. I have a 60 pioneer kuro plasma TV. I use a 8 core MacPro with dual 30 cinema displays for work and play. I have tried Apples HD itunes service and it stunk. I am not a fan of cloud computing in general because it means I have to rely on the fourth kind movie part 1 elses service to access my data. So far I have not been impressed with any of the offerings. Youre right, it doesnt mean Apple has to stick with slot-loading drive, but I pointed out incidents where Apple was willing to sacrifice functionality to maintain thinness and noted that they are obsessed with making their hardware thinner. What rationale do you have that a seldom used optical drive would warrant an excessive thickening of the Mac notebook chassis with a a clunky, the fourth kind movie part 1 drive that is too expensive for most users, that takes up more space than any other component in the notebook, and holds very little information and is considerably slow compared to HDD and flash storage mediums? PS: Apple will be phasing be the optical drive out. On the consumer side, the technology is dying. Installing applications and OSes via optical disc is no longer the best method. People dont use their the fourth kind movie part 1 drives much as it is and using a Blu-ray reader on a note book to watch a movie with only the battery is foolish, at best. Either Apple will move the optical drive outside of portable Macs with the upcoming case revision or the one after that. That doesnt mean that Blu-ray still cant be supported or be an option when that happened, it just means it wont be an internal solution. Does Apple have to keep making things slimmer now that they have a slim option in the Macbook Air? If you want slim, and dont care about Blu-Ray buy the MacBook Air? Maybe they will even put out a netbook type laptop too? Maybe they will choose a slightly thicker and bigger laptop form in order to put Blu-Ray in, and perhaps a bigger battery. Regardless if you want to play Blu-Ray movies or not, few people would not benefit from longer runtime. All of this would be possible with a case redesign widely rumored and a move to 16×9 screens hopefully with 1080p resolution. I think that Steve Jobs sits on the Board of Disney and probably owns more stock than Walts kids. Disney is sold out to Blu-Ray, every studio is sold out to Blu-Ray, every other laptop manufacturer has Blu-Ray options and some are dang cheap.

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